Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to Take Your Small Business with You on Vacation | Simplicity ...

Many small business owners just can?t afford to leave their business at home when they?re on vacation. And even if you can afford it, you may not want to leave your business idle while you?re gone. The choice doesn?t have to be to vacation or not to vacation; you can have the best of both worlds. You can take your small business with you on vacation and still have a great time. Here?s how:

Plan Ahead

As a business owner there are many things you can do to set your business up so that it can run while you?re away. For example, you can write blogs posts and schedule them to be published while you?re away. If you know you?re going to need documents or information while you?re on vacation, use cloud computing. Google Drive or Dropbox are two easy to use systems that you can access from anywhere.

Outsource the Admin

If you have a virtual assistant, this step is easy. Just let them know you?ll be away and ask them to manage a few extras like customer service, email messages, and perhaps ask them to manage your social networking. You might also ask them to ghostwrite for your blog while you?re away.


While you?re on vacation you probably don?t need to take everything with you. If you have a smart phone or a tablet, that should be more than enough to manage your business on vacation. You might even call ahead to ask if the hotel has a computer with secure internet.

Make an Announcement

Tell clients and customers that you?re going to be away on vacation. You might even make it a part of your blog?s content. Let folks know where you?re going and share your plans. This will help to adjust any expectations while you?re away.


Set up an autoresponder message to manage your email. Let people know you?re on vacation and that you?ll get back to them, or have someone get back to them, in a timely manner. This way you don?t have to constantly check your email and your clients and prospects feel like they?ve been acknowledged.

Time Your Vacation with Your Business Cycle

If you?re launching a new product in June, then June isn?t a great time to take a vacation. You may need to be around to manage the launch. If September is your busiest month, then don?t take a vacation in September. Plan your vacations during your slow times.

Practice a Little Self-Discipline

Create a work/play plan that is acceptable for everyone. For example, you might work for one hour in the morning and commit to checking your email once a day. Stick to your plan and allow yourself to relax when you?re not working. Trust that you?ve taken care of everything and your systems are effective.

It is possible to relax and take a vacation and also work at the same time. Being a business owner isn?t easy, but with a little planning and forethought you can have the best of both worlds. You can take your small business with you and enjoy a relaxing vacation.


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