Friday, July 20, 2012

Video: Report: Bain started with help of offshore investors

>>> back to politics, mitt romney 's wife ann came out swinging in response to obama campaign 's attacks of her husband over his tenure at bain capital .

>> i believe it was beneath the dignity of the office of the president to do something as egregious as that. to attack someone on that level is, i believe, beneath his dignity.

>> well, there is new reporting today on how romney raised the money to start bain capital . back in 1984 . nbc news senior political editor mark murray joins us live from washington, d.c., with more on this part of the story. mark, what do we know?

>> the " chicago tribune 's" " l.a. times " reported much of the original seed money from bain capital came from foreign investors and the money actually came through corporations regist registered in panama which actually gave very preferential tax treatment. you didn't have to pay a whole lot of taxes. and so this story actually highlights the nebulous world of offshore accounts, tax perks for very wealthy folks that have been dogging mitt romney and his campaign now for a couple of weeks.

>> there's the headline there of the article that you just mentioned, bain capital started with help of offshore investors. we should note here, of course, the romney campaign responding today, their response, here it is in part, quote, president obama 's own jobs council advocating more foreign direct investment in the u.s. to help grow the economy, something president obama himself has been unable to do, as illustrated by the recent downgrades in gdp forecast. how these investors chose to invest is their decision, not bain capital 's. do you think, mark murray , do you think any of this adds fuel to the fire over romney 's tenure at bai?

>> you know, craig, i think the danger for romney campaign is there's almost going to be a drip-drip nature. you're going to have articles that come out like today's " chicago tribune ," " los angeles times " piece about how bain got started, with additional reporting we saw yesterday that mitt romney was listed on the salt lake city olympic's website as the ceo of bain capital after he said he had actually gone to work at the olympics, really kind of clouding up all that issue of when he actually left bain capital . and given the fact that the romney campaign has pretty much gone ahead and said, look, we're not going to answer more questions about bain capital , when these stories actually pop up, that could be potentially damaging for them.

>> before i let you get out of here, really quickly, "the new york times"/cbs news poll just out today asking if romney 's experience as head of bain capital would make respondents more or less likely to vote for it. take a look at the response. 14% said they're more likely. 23% said they're less likely. 60% say it had no effect. what does that tell you about the effectiveness of the obama campaign 's attacks so far?

>> craig, it mirrors our findings in our nbc /" wall street journal " follow. what "the new york times"/cbs poll didn't look into is how people in the battleground states are viewing this, in ohio, pennsylvania, a lot of the industrial midwest states. that poll didn't reveal that. our nbc /" wall street journal " poll showed it's worse in the battleground states than elsewhere.

>> thank you, sir, appreciate it.


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