Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Disaster Food Prepairedness | Legal Advertising

Natural calamities. Severe weather changes. Volatile economic conditions. We are often bombarded with news about these disasters, constantly reminding us that unfortunate events can happen. Are we prepared to handle this kind of situation?Most of the families are unprepared when it comes to handling emergency situations. Emergency preparedness is something that families and individuals need to have since this will ensure their survival when disaster or crises hit. Having a good emergency plan will ensure that you and your family will not be chewing your nails because of worry and fear.Whenever disaster happens, you should expect that it would at least take three (3) days before help reaches you and your family. It is important to prepare for these three important days, like how to feed you family.Emergency food storage are usually foods that would last for a long period of time and do not require preparation. It would only differ based on the needs of your family.

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One of the most ideal food rations in emergency situations is the MRE or meals ready to eat. Originally, they were military issued but now you can also purchase civilian MREs as well. There are little differences seeing as the manufacturers are mostly doing the same kind of business providing for the military and the public.

Meals ready to eat have a shelf life of 3-5 years if stored in the right conditions: dry and at cool temperatures. Each package of an MRE is a complete meal including a main dish, side dish, dessert, bread or crackers and a spread. You also get a beverage mix, coffee and other accessory items. All food items included, an MRE meal has on average more than a 1200 calories. To put it in perspective, the average woman should have a daily food intake of 1500 calories while the average man should consume 2500 calories. So if you?re a woman eating an MRE, that meal alone represents almost your daily caloric intake. If you?re a man, two MRE meals will do.

Stockpiling your own food storage does not only include actual food items. There is also a need for you to have your own non-hybrid or heirloom seeds. Unlike typical seeds, heirloom seeds can be planted and harvest every year. Proper seed storage, however, is needed to ensure that your seeds would still generate the produce that you want. How Do You Purchase Your Emergency Food? There are a lot emergency food items and food kits available in the market. The 72- hour food kits contain items which your body will need for surviving three days. As a kit, it needs to be portable and easy to grab. Disaster management institutions have recommendations on what should be included in 72-hour food kits.

A 72-hour food kits usually have MREs, freeze-dried foods, and dehydrated foods included. In addition, there are food kits that include vitamins and supplements. Whenever you are purchasing MREs or other dehydrated food items, it is important to purchase from a reputable source.There can be a lot of things holding you back on preparing for emergency situations, it can be budget restrictions or lack of time. But facing disasters and emergency situations unprepared can cost more money, time, and even you and your loved one?s life.

Get complete details about Disaster Food Guides and more information as regards 37 Food Items For Survival Guide , now.

Source: http://djclegalads.com/disaster-food-prepairedness/

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